Endorsed By Leaders: Ben Schock for Probate Judge

We are honored to share the endorsements from respected figures in the legal community and beyond. These endorsements underscore Ben Schock’s exemplary service and dedication to upholding the highest standards of justice.

Endorsed By Attorneys:

The following attorneys support Ben Schock’s campaign.

Eliane Bezas
Matthew Bieber
Daniel Boroja
Scott Bright
Marty Brosnan
Tarra Brown
Jeff Burns
Megan K. Cashen
William K. Cashen
Keith Cermak
Shawn Coppins
Misty Delegato
Charlene Distler
David B. Forest
Jonathan Frank
Anthony Froberger
Michele P. Fuller
Terrance P. Gilsenan
Brian C. Grant
Issa Haddad
Mark Haddad

Eugene Hamlin
George Heitmanis
Michael P. Kavanaugh
Zenon Kwik
Lisa Lepine
Kim Lubinski
John MacArthur
Allison McGillivray
Alan Polack
Christy Pudyk
Farrah Ramdayal
Ryan Reck
Henry Sachs
Patrick Simasko
Dan Simjanovski
Erin Solaiman
Donald Strehl
Elizabeth Stubbs
Benjamin Vader
Audra Woods
Jessica Yousif